It takes courage to live, adapt, and even grow with the often profound challenges of an illness, and to seek the supports we need in order to do so.

Therapy offers protected space and active support to help you connect more deeply with important feelings, resources, needs, and values through the difficulties you face.

As your therapist, it is my goal to be present and engaged with you in ways that help you to feel seen, understood, and helped.

I will accompany and help you with what emerges in our conversations in ways that assist you to reduce suffering, increase well being, and connect with what matters most. As helpful experiences and potentials emerge in therapy, I will support you to deepen and build upon them as trusted resources in your daily life.

I find it useful to think of how therapy can help to live, adapt, and grow in response to an illness in five overlapping ways:

  • EASING symptoms, stress, and distress
  • Increasing CONNECTION and support
  • HEALING the neglected places in yourself and your life
  • DEEPENING meaning and growth
  • NAVIGATING the goals, decisions, and transitions of an illness

It is possible to expand your view of yourself and the possibilities that still exist in your life, one that can integrate the changes, uncertainties, and losses of an illness.