Therapy is an important resource to support your well being as you live the impact of an illness.

At times, however, the fluctuations of living with an illness can prevent people who want and would benefit from therapy from seeking it out. Within these fluctuations, every individual has their own circumstances, with unique needs and hopes for what therapy can help them with. These may also change over time.

For these reasons, my practice offers several frameworks for therapy that adapt to your individual needs and circumstances as you live with the impact of an illness.

Open Ended

Open ended therapy sessions are scheduled on a weekly basis. This is helpful for people who need or prefer therapy as a source of consistent support during particular phases of an illness, or over time, in order to meet their needs.

Some people may be interested in open ended depth work to heal and create change with longstanding difficulties in their lives. Others may feel particularly isolated or disconnected from sources of support. In some situations people may be living with very distressing or complex sources of emotional pain that require consistent support and care over time.

Time Limited Depth Therapy

Time limited depth therapy is usually scheduled weekly over sixteen sessions, and is intended to amplify and accelerate the processes of change and growth in therapy. It is a powerful resource for people who feel motivated for change and growth in a focused area that is important to them.

Session by Session

In a session by session by format for therapy, four to five sessions are available for you to schedule as needed over a three month period.

Session by session therapy is most helpful in preventing and reducing mild levels of depression and distress. It is also helpful in maintaining availability of care through periods that may otherwise be difficult to participate in weekly sessions due to medical treatments.